Monday, September 19, 2016


Let's not jump to conclusions here, folks.
Contrary to popular belief, sometimes rushing to judgement is a good thing -- or at least not a bad thing. Let's take, for example... oh, I don't know, a bomb. A homemade pressure cooker bomb wired with a flip phone that blows up in a Dumpster.

And let's say, just for laughs, a second unexploded bomb of similar make is found a few blocks away. And then, taking this absurd scenario to another level, that this happens in a happenin' section of New York, which just happens to be ISIS' عدد هدف واحد (that's "number one target" to you non-Arabic readers) on a Saturday night.

I, for one, wouldn't hold it against you if you thought, Huh. I might be off base, but that sorta, kinda sounds like terrorism. Not necessarily of the ISIS variety -- I read one internet commenter who opined that it was the work of a Trump supporter trying to stir up Islamophobia -- but terrorism nonetheless.

James O'Neill and Bill de Blasio
Ah, but you're not New York's Mayor Bill de Blasio or Police Commissioner James O'Neill, who initially refused to call two pressure cooker bombs an act of terror. Nor did they speculate that the two incidents might, just might, be connected. 

Oh, and the bomb found in Elizabeth, New Jersey on the same weekend? Eh, who knows? A bomb's a bomb.

Let us be grateful that de Blasio and O'Neill weren't running things during other historic moments.

WASHINGTON, DC -- APRIL 14, 1865: Bill de Blasio and James O'Neill aren't calling the shooting of President Abraham Lincoln an assassination attempt, nor are they saying if the stabbing of Secretary of State William Steward is connected to it in any way.

DALLAS, TX -- NOVEMBER 22, 1963: Bill de Blasio and James O'Neill aren't calling the shooting of President John F. Kennedy an assassination attempt, nor are they saying if the shooting of Texas Governor John Connally, who was riding in the same car as Kennedy, is connected to it any way.

NEW YORK, NY -- SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: Bill de Blasio and James O'Neill aren't calling the destruction of the World Trade Center by two hijacked passenger planes an act of terror, nor are they saying if similar attacks at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania are connected to it in any way.

But hey, de Blasio has a cool family, though. Let's re-elect him next year! 

Oh, and someone show this to His Honor and the Commissioner. They still might be out of the loop:


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