Friday, March 9, 2018


You might have noticed how the subject of vaccinations has gone from medical to political. There are those who believe that vaccinations not only don't work, but have unintended side effects.

This is all quite true, but not in the way they say.

Yeah, but who has his... oh, never mind.
Throughout the 1990s, much was made about Bill Clinton's affairs du organs genitaux. Things came to a head (no pun intended) with the appearance of Monica Lewinsky. While Republicans howled in disgust, Democrats pooh-poohed the right-wing elephants for being such fuddy duddies.

Character doesn't matter. Remember that? For the first time, women were cool with a powerful man repeatedly cheating on his wife with interns, beauty queens, total strangers, and, possibly, Barbra Streisand

The economy was going gangbusters. We had a surplus, not a deficit. By and large, our troops were out of harms way. The prez was cool, a charmer -- ready for prime time.

So giddy were they, Democrats didn't realize that their response inoculated any future Republican president from similar condemnation from them

They tried their best with George W. Bush, but their wailings -- He used to be an alcoholic! He used to snort cocaine! -- rang hollow from the party of Warren Beatty, Ben Affleck, and, yes, Carrie Fisher. Especially when his "used tos" were Hollywood's "nows". We had to wait until 2016 to get the orange-haired target.

Donald Trump's behavior is quite similar to Clinton's. The difference is, he freely copped to it in the past. Nor is he nearly as intellectual, charming, hip, or "on the right side" of the issues. George W. Bush may refer to Bill as his "brother from another mother". But when you get right down to it, Bill and Donald are the Kennedy brothers of our more proudly vulgar times. 

Remember: a guy who
was considering running
for president willingly
posed for this picture.
Consider: we now have a president who is being sued by a porn star. A presidential press secretary who let the word "arbitration" out of the bag in reference to said porn star. A presidential lawyer who paid $130,000 of his own goniff money to keep her quiet. And the Democrats can't say a damn thing about any of this!

They know that as soon as one of them mentions Stormy Daniels, Trumpworld will counter with Monica Lewinksy. And Juanita Broaddrick.  And Paula Jones. And Kathleen Wiley. You say, "What about 'Grab 'em by the pussy'?" They reply, "What about 'You better put some ice on that'?" You ask, "Why does Melania put up with this?" You say, "Well, I know why Hillary does."

It never gets old.
Silent, too, are the evangelicals who hopped aboard the Trump Anti-Abortion Express. The evangelicals who couldn't shut their yap about Bill Clinton's behavior are all about forgiveness when it comes to their current president of choice. Rev. Franklin Graham learned well from his father, the anti-Semite who actually drew up bombing plans for Richard Nixon that would have killed 1,000,000 VietnameseRemember the 11th Commandment: Thou shalt sell out your faith in order to get close to political power.

The left and the right have proven, through their inoculations, their hilarious inability to play the long game. For them, it's all about instant gratification. Which is what got us here in the first place.


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