Wednesday, June 7, 2023


I thought by getting rid of news on my newsfeed, I would maintain a zen-like calm when turning on my laptop.  Color me naive!  It appears that what seemed like safe spaces -- show biz and food -- are really just different ways to annoy, bug, and irk me. All I need to do is look at the links to know that the internet has become the home of the insipid.

Let me get this straight. I'm going to take culinary advice from a someone who looks like the guy outside 7-11 begging for money? And by the way, Sparky, they're Toblerone bars, not coq au vin.

Don't tell me -- he thought that it would have been better to give the part to a real closeted Revolutionary War soldier ghost.

You know, I'm old enough to remember when Esquire got upset about war, politics, religion, and the difficulty of finding a cummerbund that fit correctly, not crap that keeps a 20 year-old "influencer" awake at night.

Sure, "pointless" until it came time to cash your paycheck. Hey, what's a guy with "Sir" as his title doing in a comic book movie anyway?

1. Lack of imagination.
2. Sick people get off on children in danger.
3. Lack of imagination.
4. Sick people get off on children in danger.

Probably because I never watched it.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that first you sear them, then finish them in the oven.

To answer the first part of your question, it appears to be a badly butchered cow's leg. And I bet the best way to eat it is if someone else is picking up the check. Hey, Anthony Hopkins was in a Thor movie, he can afford it!

Why would I want to eat something that tastes so bad you need 35 different ways to make it palatable?

They're making plans not to show up for work. What do I win?


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