Monday, March 26, 2018


I'll vote for her if she
wears this to her
Remember when Democrats rightly made fun of Donald Trump running for president? That he didn't have the experience to be the leader of the (rapidly-shrinking) free world? That their choice, whose name seemed to be The Most Qualified Presidential Candidate in History Hillary Clinton (®), was the only logical one? 

Well, that was, in TV terminology, almost two seasons ago. And since nothing in show biz succeeds like imitation, B-list actress Cynthia Nixon, best known from her role as Miranda on Sex and the City, is currently running against Andrew Cuomo to be the Democratic nominee for Governor of New York. She is second-best known as being gay, which, frankly, is even less interesting.

Gov. Cuomo's art of gentle persuasion.
Now, I'm not necessarily a fan of Cuomo. Nixon's description of him as "a vengeful bully" has been echoed by others. His administration's current corruption scandal is making headlines. As a public speaker, he confuses bellowing for oratory. And, like his fellow Democrat Alec Baldwin, his de facto mood is set to "angry". Relax, Andy, you've got the job.

Back when New York politics was fun.
However. Cuomo helped to get the Upper East Side's beloved Second Avenue Subway financed, so that alone will probably earn him my vote. (Back in the day, all you had to do was fix the potholes, so you can see how expensive votes have become.) Besides, the Republican candidate, as usual, will likely be a complete unknown who carries the stink of "loser" on him. The last time a Republican was Governor of New York, it took Howard Stern to bring him over the finish line. And Stern, now on pay radio, doesn't have that kind of clout anymore.

You mean Cynthia Lennon?
However again. I'm rooting for the underdog here, only because I like the idea of a "Democrats for Nixon" campaign, even if Cynthia Nixon doesn't; her official campaign posters feature only her first name. It's too clever by half, but that's what Cynthia's fans love about her.

But you know who doesn't love her? Christine Quinn,
Yup, and that's why you lost.
formerly New York's first openly gay Speaker of the City Council, making her then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg's enforcer. That job backfired mightily when, in 2010, she pushed through the demolition of St. Vincent's Hospital, the most popular medical center for the West Village's gay residents. It was probably that move, more than anything else, that saw her lose the Democratic Mayoral nomination to Bill de Blasio in 2013. 

The loss must have been particularly galling to Quinn, since de Blasio was married to Chrilane McCray, a former lesbian, while Quinn herself remained the real deal. After only 100 copies of her autobiography sold in its first week -- and even that seems exaggerated by 50% -- she dropped out of public sight, only to return when Cynthia Nixon announced her candidacy.

Was Quinn throwing her support behind Nixon? Nope. Quinn, a Cuomo supporter, is still ticked off by Nixon campaigning for de Blasio in 2013. Or, as Quinn put it, "Cynthia Nixon was opposed to having a qualified lesbian become mayor of New York City. Now she wants to be an unqualified lesbian to be governor of New York."

Unqualified? Really?
Whoa there, Christine! Cynthia Nixon is no less qualified than you, as she is a practicing lesbian. If anyone's an unqualified lesbian, it's Bill de Blasio's wife.

If this was Quinn's way of getting a job in Cuomo's third term administration, it probably won't work, since she's become New York's latest punching bag, as I am a qualified lesbian is right up there with another Nixon's I am not a crook for its utter idiocy. 

Cynthia Nixon, of course, has absolutely no chance of winning the nomination, let alone the election. But, as a longtime political observer told me, since her campaign is focusing almost solely on city issues, what she's really doing is setting herself up to run for mayor of New York in 2021. By then, after the usual "listening tour", she will be without doubt considered a qualified lesbian, while Christine Quinn joins Hillary Clinton on her never-ending Sore Loser Tour.


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