I can hear you say it: Six years? How time flies -- why, it almost seems like yesterday! Maybe that's because there have been 62 more school shootings in the U.S. since then.
But nothing can compare with the original, amirite? In fact, there ought to be a song to commemorate the event we're (supposed to be) remembering now, but Congress would rather we all forget.
So, to the tune of Al Jolson's classic "Anniversary Song", let's raise a glass in tribute and sing "Political Cowards Anniversary Song".
How did we vote when the children lay dead?
With NRA, 'cause we're in the same bed.
Kids shot in school with a gun meant for wars --
We don't really care 'cause we're nothing but whores.
"Vote as we tell you," that's what they yell,
"If you don't do it, we'll make your lives hell".
We do all their bidding, as they say so,
Because we get their dough.
We'll never change -- we all love our jobs,
And we're afraid of the gun-toting mobs.
But still if you think that we don't really care
We offer you this: our thoughts and our prayers.
Feel free to pass this along to your congressman.
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