Monday, October 2, 2017


Reactions are pouring in regarding the mass shooting at a country music concert in Las Vegas last night, where at least 50 people were killed and over 400 others treated for injuries at local hospitals.

When asked for a comment, National Rifle Association president Wayne LaPierre said, "Hey, it's Vegas -- everything's a gamble there."

Meanwhile, Pastor Roger Jimenez, who deemed the 2016 Pulse Nighclub shooting as God's punishment of gays, told reporters, "I forgot to tell you, He doesn't like country music fans, either."

He then thanked the shooter for taking the bad headlines away from the White House for a day.

AARP spokesman Brad Lanes noted, "Paddock proved that retirees are still capable of amazing things."

The Nevada tourism board is changing the city's slogan to "What Happens In Vegas, Stays in Vegas, Until the Next Nut With Easy Access to Assault Rifles Tops the List, Thanks to the Political Whores Who Place NRA Money Over People's Lives."


1 comment:

Jim V. said...

Wow. Harsh. Even for a lib.