Wednesday, March 21, 2018


At last -- spring is upon us! Spring! Is there any season more eagerly awaited? Not by my sights! And while there is certainly something to be said about being in the country, to me there's no better place to experience spring than here in New York -- especially after the winter we've had! Please allow me to share my first day of spring with you.

The nice thing about having a southern exposure is that you get to enjoy the season's beauty without even leaving your apartment. Just open the window, stick your head out, and -- ahhh! 

But what's the point of being stuck inside on such a glorious day? Let's step outside...

There's nothing like the sight of our block when the trees are in bloom to bring out the neighbors...

And what would today be like without that beloved harbinger of springtime, the  daffodil? No, that's not your imagination -- you really can smell it from where you are!

Time to get those bikes out of storage and start pedaling -- and watch those flowers start petaling! 

Even workers have a spring in their step (no pun intended)! But let's make our way to Carl Schurz Park on East End Avenue...

The gardeners better put their shears to good use, pronto, before the bushes get overgrown. Don't want to lose any softballs! Speaking of softballs...

Batter up, folks! The park's ball field is getting a mighty good workout this afternoon. But what about a little bit of nature? Glad you asked!

This lovely tree greets the new season with open buds. Can summer be far behind?

And what would springtime be like without the lilting laughter of children swinging to their hearts' content? 

The park's 86th Street entrance is horseshoe-shaped for a reason -- it reminds you how lucky we are that spring has arrived! But lest you think we aren't ready for the throngs of locals and tourists swarming for a visit...

New York's finest are standing by to keep order. Hey, Mr. Officer, come on out and enjoy the day!

And so, beaming with the joy that only spring can offer, I say goodbye for now. And to all my friends who left the Northeast for California -- you don't know what you're missing!

For some, photos just don't capture the beauty of spring the way a video does:

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