Friday, June 4, 2021


The memo being, Please come back.
Don't believe the hype when you hear the news media has a liberal bias. Don't believe they wanted Donald Trump drawn and quartered before being blasted out of the White House on a rocket ship to Pluto.  

And whatever you do, don't believe they're glad he's no longer president.


During the Trump administration, ratings for the news networks skyrocketed. Subscriptions for the New York Times and Washington Post rose to levels unseen in years. And don't think these and other media outlets didn't notice. They're not in the business for their health, you know.

So what happens when a quiet, dull administration comes to D.C.? Quiet, dull ratings and newspaper sales! 

Pepsi and oatmeal --
they just go together.
Remember the New Coke fiasco? Perhaps more than Pepsi A.M. I don't, and maybe that's the point, because -- shock of shocks -- consumers who weren't meth heads didn't fancy drinking soda for breakfast. Another piece of junk food, Frito-Lay WOW! Chips lasted about as long as it did to say its name, thanks to its magical ingredient Olestra, which caused diarrhea. Maybe it should have been marketed to bulimics who didn't like throwing up.

What these products have in common -- aside from being appalling ideas that nobody asked for -- is that the manufacturers pulled them from grocery stores pretty quickly. 


Not so with the news media and Trump. No matter he lost the presidency and helped the GOP to lose not only both houses of Congress but plenty of local elections and all credibility as a normal political party. 

Meaning, he dies and they can never talk about him
Yet you still can't go a day without hearing or reading a piece about the former president. Still complaining about losing the election? Let's quote him! He shut down his blog because nobody was reading it? Front page news! Plans to hold rallies? Start booking the hotel rooms for the reporter and the crews! My God, can you imagine pulling the short straw for that assignment?

The latest of Trump dumps, reported by the New York Times and picked up by every news outlet that has one coffee machine in the office, is that the orange-faced ogre is confiding to friends he fully expects to be "reinstated" as president in August. 

Or, more likely, he said, Tell your contacts that I said I'm going to be reinstated in August! They'll go apeshit, and I'll be headline news again! 

A face you can trust.
Trump likely got the idea from My Pillow jackass Mike Lindell, who probably came up with the August deadline because he hadn't been quoted in the news for a couple of weeks. 

Lindell, you may remember, has been promising continuously for six months that he had 10,000% proof that the election was stolen, and just wait until you see the evidence... which, of course, he's never divulged because it doesn't exist.

Lindell, a former crackhead whose every word indicates he's back on the pipe, isn't the best source for real or even fake news, yet it doesn't stop anybody from quoting him. Now that sounds like somebody way too familiar. 

Somebody with the proper software would likely discover, since the inauguration, news outlets have mentioned the name Trump more than Biden, despite the latter running the show for almost five months. Do you recall Obama, Bush or Clinton getting the same kind of coverage after they stepped on Air Force One for the last time? 

Both of them.
You could understand the news media's obsession with quoting Trump's every word when he was in the White House because it's difficult to ignore the most powerful person in the world.

But what if he's no longer calling the shots? How exactly do his words matter when his online followers have dropped from 88.9 million on Twitter to 1,500 on his now-defunct blog

Even if you go by the 55% of Republicans who believe his cock & bull story about rigged elections, that's just over half of the GOP. And considering that registered Republicans amount to roughly one-third of the population, you're talking one-sixth of Americans.

One-sixth! The press might as well report on folks who believe in talking zebras. So, go on, news folks, don't listen to me. I've got about 1,490 fewer readers than Trump did when he closed up his blog. But don't come crying when you fall on your ass every time you run up to Trump and try kicking his balls.


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