DEMOCRATIC SEN. PATRICK LEAHY for writing a bill that would allow the federal government to snoop on anybody’s emails, Tweets and Facebook posts without a search warrant. And they don’t have to notify you for a year afterwards. Better not use the word “bomb” while describing Liz & Dick – the FBI might turn up at your door tomorrow. (Yikes -- do Google blogs count?)

MEL GIBSON for totally disproving Hollywood’s self-appointed image as America’s moral arbiter by continuing to get work despite being a proven violent, misogynistic, anti-Semitic drunk. (Memo to director Robert Rodriguez: You still would’ve hired Mel for Machete Kills if he’d complained about “spics” instead of “yids,” right? Right?)
LINDSAY LOHAN for giving ordinary people the chance to feel better about their humdrum lives by watching the way a “celebrity” attracts trouble (and bad movies) with the ease of flypaper. Even better, she allows older women everywhere the chance to say, "Oh my God, is that what 26 looks like?"

KEVIN CLASH, aka the voice of Elmo, for living up to the
stereotype of the middle-aged man who just loves
entertaining children. Last week, Clash paid $125,000 to make a
claim of having sex with a 16 year-old boy while he was in his 40s go away – only to face an identical claim days later. Clash has since resigned from Sesame
Street, sighting that the charges had become, you guessed it, a "distraction." Hey,
Kev, don’t worry – you can always get a job at the BBC!

PBS for proving as cold-blooded as its British counterpart by weeping that Clash’s resignation was “a sad day for Sesame Street” but not for the children he allegedly had sex with. It looks like today’s episode was brought to you by the number 69.
Oh, and you support a goddamn pedophile, too.
KEITH OLBERMANN for finally making himself unemployable from any place other than his Twitter account. When you get fired from a "let's do a show in my parents basement" network like Current TV, your only other possibility is hawking "Keith Olbermann Spittle Bibs" on the Home Shopping Network.

KIM KARDASHIAN for furthering the causes of both the sanctity of marriage (via a sham made-for-TV ceremony which ended in divorce 10 weeks later) and world peace (by being "determined" to learn about the latest Middle East conflict while promoting her milkshake restaurant chain in Kuwait and Bahrain). Who else makes a better U.S. representative to Hamas?
DIANE SAWYER for providing gales of laughter by appearing drunk on live TV during ABC’s election night coverage – and several other news events over the years. C’mon, Diane, you’re pushing 70 – it’s time you started holding your liquor like a man!
Watch Diane Sawyer mixing Merlot and prescription meds while preparing for her hosting chores circa 1992. Note the catty remark she makes, too, at the 1:20 mark. Glass houses or pot/kettle black? Your choice. "Hideous crimes" indeed!:
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