Friday, October 15, 2021

BREAKING NEWS: 10/15/2021

Roger Waters, 78, co-founder of Pink Floyd, has married his fifth wife, 43 year-old Kamilah Chavis, who he described as "finally, a keeper.

"And by by that," Waters added, "I mean finally keeping me supplied with enough Viagra, Depends, and prune juice."

New York Mayor de Blasio said Thursday he expects a statue of Thomas Jefferson will get the heave-ho from City Hall after a design commission he appointed reviews a request to remove it next week.

Asked why he approved the removal of the third president, de Blasio replied, "Hell, it's easier than getting rid of criminals off the streets."


In Spain, Father Juan Miguel Ferrer Grenesche submitted his resignation over what has been deemed an improper use of the Toldeo Cathedral by rapper C. Tangana and singer Nathay Peluso for a raunchy video.

Father Grenesche admitted that he was under the impression that the video would involve the molesting of children instead.

Former Playboy bunny and one-time girlfriend of Hugh Hefner Bridget Marquardt claims that she once saw a ghost in her bedroom. “She had black, long kind of stringy hair and she was very pale and very skinny,” Marquardt explained. “And she was wearing a white T-shirt that was way too big on her and black acid-wash jeans. She was just standing there me staring.

"But a moment later," she added, "I realized I was looking in a mirror." 


Doctors at the Irvine Medical Center say that former president Bill Clinton is "on the mend" and in good spirits after being admitted for sepsis.

"Why, just this afternoon" a doctor told reporters, "we had to prevent Mr. Clinton from sexually assaulting a 19 year-old intern."



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