The New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady said in an interview that before the start of the last nine football seasons he's read The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Mexican shaman Don Miguel Ruiz.
The four agreements are: Leave your wife and children for a supermodel; deflate the footballs before each game; make sure you steal the signals from the opposing team; and wear plenty of moisturizer to maintain that "pretty boy" look.
Police in Waco, Texas pulled a loaded handgun from a woman’s vagina late Monday evening after a traffic stop led to a drug bust, officials said.
When asked what it was doing there, she explained that it was easier to reach than her rectum.
An alternative medicine conference has ended in chaos after dozens of delegates took a LSD-like drug and started suffering from hallucinations, leading the 29 men and women “staggering around, rolling in a meadow, talking gibberish and suffering severe cramps”.
The delegates claimed that drugs weren't involved, and instead had taken part in a Mike Huckabee rally.
In the latest drama involving Viacom and Sumner Redstone, the 92-year-old executive chairman has split with his live-in girlfriend, Sydney Holland, 43.
As Redstone explained, "Once women hit their 40s, they lose all their sex appeal."
After six months of stonewalls and denials, Hillary Clinton told ABC News' David Muir that she was "sorry" about her handling of the email scandal.
Afterwards, the network charged Ms. Clinton for the "kicking and screaming" damage done to the set and the audio equipment.
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