Podesta added, "At least when the primary was rigged against Bernie Sanders, we did it without anybody else's help!"
South Korean President Park Guen-hye has urged North Koreans to move to her country. In response, North Korea's official state newspaper referred to the statement as "insane baloney" from "a barefaced and impudent bitch."
The following day, the author of the piece was hired as Donald Trump's speechwriter.
Fox News Channel anchor Shepard Smith told the Huffington Post that his former boss Roger Ailes never mistreated him for being gay.
Chinese state media has called for regulation on emojis and stickers as a crackdown on the country's internet continues.
The following day, the author of the piece was hired as Donald Trump's speechwriter.
Smith added, "Now, had I been a straight woman with bleached blonde hair, that'd be another story altogether."
Rubio admitted it was because a moron like him couldn't hold down a job anywhere else.

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