Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Now I know what "smiling with gritted teeth"

If you want a sign that Joe Biden is looking out for his VP Kamala Harris, here it is: he's allegedly naming Pete Buttigieg the Ambassador to China next year

That means only one thing: likely one-termer Biden wants a rival ensconced 7,000 miles away so that Harris has a better shot at the job in 2024. You heard it here first (and probably last).

Then there are other signs -- the kind that magically appear overnight in my neighborhood, the way phone books once appeared on everybody's doorstep. (Are phone books even a thing any more?) And so it's time once again to travel around the Upper East Side to see what we're supposed to know, think, and feel, whether we want to or not.

Well, it looks like the First Revolution will have to do without me, because there's no way I'm giving up my skirt steak with Argentinian chimichurri. Maybe the vegans should change their mind for once in their lives.
Here in the Northeast, not a problem. In the South, and Midwest... not so much.


Think the person who wrote this warning is aware that they're part of the problem?

So because I'm well I have to pay more? I'm a victim of healthism! 

Call me persnickety, but this seems to be something of an oxymoron. 

Now, you can't call this the opposite of an oxymoron, because that would make it a tautology. Like "Genius Trump". However, I agree with what the person is saying. But seeing that it's written on glass, it puts me in the awkward position of being part of the dictum rather than just an observer. Advice to amateur statesmen: when sharing your enlightenment, make sure to do it on non-reflective surfaces. I expect to get paid when I'm on camera.


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