Saturday, August 20, 2022


Let's throw "dead eyes" into the mix, too.
 If publishers of dictionaries were smart, they'd put an unflattering photo of Alec Baldwin next to the word "clueless" -- as well as "smarmy", "self-pitying", and "tone-deaf". For just as you think the chunky B-movie actor couldn't get any lower, he treats himself to a shiny new shovel. 

The FBI recently decided -- after a year long investigation! -- that guns just don't go and fire themselves. This pokes a rather obvious hole in Baldwin's claim that his gun did just that when it sent a fatal bullet into Halyna Hutchins while filing Rust

You knew that wouldn't go down well with Alec. But instead of just shutting up and letting the lawyers do the extenuating on his behalf, the hapless ham decided to take matters into his own grubby paws, braying in an interview. "I know that every single person on the set of the film knows what happened, and the people who are talking loudest about what happened or speculating about what happened were not on the set of the film.

You'd trust these people, right?
Who could Baldwin be talking about? His wife, the phony Spaniard Hilaria? She sure was flapping her gums in the weeks following the shooting. Or could it be Halyna Hutchins's widowed husband Matthew? Maybe the lab boys at the FBI or the gun experts who have said (in so many words) that Baldwin lies like a ratty Persian carpet?  (In another bad move, Baldwin gave the interview to Chris "I Was Just Helping My Brother" Cuomo -- another celebrity not exactly on handshaking terms with the truth.)

Perhaps not satisfied that he was enough of a moron, Baldwin went on Cuomo's former employer CNN to state that the "stress" of the shooting has "taken years off my life." If Halyna Hutchins could speak, she would likely say that she understood a shooting can do that to a person. She might also feel some empathy when he claims that he's "lost five jobs" in the last year because of the shooting. 

I'm not sure what's more shocking -- that he's surprised by losing jobs, or that there were five people willing to work with this human box-office bomb. Good Lord, is there anything Baldwin could say to make himself sound more oblivious, more insensitive, more indifferent to the fact that he shot and killed a woman who was just doing her job? 

If he wanted to be more accurate, shouldn't he
be pointing at the woman?
Please. Do you need an answer? Oh, OK, how about professing to be "nervous" about being shot himself by Trump supporters? Yup, he pulled the same ragged card used by Harvey Weinstein when he was credibly accused to sexual violence against women: deflect by dropping the name of Donald Trump! Hey, remember, I hate that guy as much as you do! That should take care of things, right?

In the end, Alec Baldwin isn't worried about being found criminally responsible for Hutchins's death, nor will he be found civilly liable. Sure, he was a producer of Rust, but not like the people who really are responsible -- the "managerial producers" who hire the crew. He, as he told CNN, was a "creative" producer.

True. When it comes to assigning blame for a death that he caused, you can't get any more creative than Alec Baldwin.


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