Thursday, September 14, 2023


 As the world slowly collapses around us, I continue to look at the ads on the Microsoft newsfeed for comfort. And by comfort, I mean feeling superior to the poor saps who get suckered into clicking the links.

I don't recall Gene Wilder saying, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." On the other hand, Investing Magazine doesn't sound like the place to go for movie trivia. In fact, it doesn't seem like a good place to go for investing.

Hey, what's with the "He", buddy? Show some respect for Tina Louise!

In case you lose the one you're currently using as a billfold.

OK, now you know: Sheriff Andy Taylor got drunk one night and knocked up Aunt Bea. 

Since when does sex change surgery take two minutes?

I'd ask you to repeat the question, but it would probably make even less sense the second time.

I'll thank you not to bring up my psychological problems during this financial discussion.

Once the ophthalmologists hear about this, they're going to put the folks at Lipton Tea out of business, pronto.

First guess: they sold their souls to the devil?

OK, this is actually a link to a news site, but... if you can't tell that the sun means it's going to be sunny, or rain means rain, you shouldn't even own an iPhone.



1 comment:

Marc said...

I tried reading a few of these "articles." They end up being a click bait tour de force and I don't think I ever really got anything useful out of them--if I even finished them. These are the flotsam and jetsam of the Internet.