Thursday, January 4, 2024


 Due to the holidays, a visit from our daughter, and a cough/cold that's been torturing me for almost two weeks, I've been lax in posting -- which might be a Christmas gift to some of you. So just to make it easy on both of us, here's a brief return to my newsfeed's ads that make less sense than the newsfeed itself.

How many times do I have tell you, Barack, you didn't lose -- you weren't allowed to run for a third term!

No, I don't. And since I've already looked, can I breathe now?

If a maid is charging only nine bucks to clean the apartment, she's probably no better than me.

This is what happens when copy editors drink on the job.

If the pilot gets this close to another jet, it's no wonder there's a 70% price discount.

The answer to your question is, yes, because it looks like those things are going to kill you faster than any cigarette.

Finally, an unretouched picture of JFK.

I could have sworn selling body parts online was illegal, but what do I know?

Nah, just stupider.

Now you tell me!


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