Sunday, February 23, 2025


Lorne is the only person in the world who would
look grumpy standing next to a Beatle.
Say what you want about Lorne Michaels, no one is more loyal to his friends, as the funnier-than-expected Saturday Night Live 50th anniversary extravaganza proved. For not only did he invite every living ex-cast member and host to the three-and-half hour party, Lorne also gave a sweet solo spot to one of the most homophobic, misogynistic, violent, and endlessly angry show business figures this side of Mel Gibson. Ladies and gentlemen, Alec Baldwin!

This uncured ham of an actor vanished from his semi-regular SNL gig the moment he shot cinematographer Halyna Hutchins during the filming of Rust. Once the prosecution screwed up their case, Michaels rolled out the red carpet once more to cheers and applause, proving that hating Donald Trump more than makes up for the negatives that would have put any other celebrity's career on show business' official Do Not Resuscitate list. 

Oh God, another generation of annoying
Still, I couldn't have been the only person viewer shocked to see Killer Alec on the anniversary show, smirking his way through an (admittedly) amusing piece, practically daring viewers to turn away in revulsion. If this appearance and the promos for The Baldwins series on TLC is any indication, Alec is as delusional as his American wife with her mysterious Spanish accent. How much irony is too much when The Baldwins is described as a "reality" series? 

Shooting a cinematographer is OK. Telling jokes
about a murderer isn't.
Yes, Lorne Michaels -- who refused to stand by the late, great Norm MacDonald when network suits wanted him fired; claimed some years ago that he couldn't find a single funny black woman in New York to hire for SNL; for years allowed the show to devolve into an immature  boys club at the expense of the women in front of and behind the camera; who allowed Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian to host -- was more than delighted to bring back Alec Baldwin despite his terrible, self-pitying behavior. When Lorne says SNL is "too crass and opportunistic" to ban certain people from the show, he's not kidding.

Damn, I wish he was my friend.


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