Tuesday, July 6, 2021


For most of the past year, social distancing kept me further apart than usual
from my fellow New Yorkers. It was a wonderful thing.

Over the last few months, however, we're becoming a little more comfortable around each other -- thus, giving me the chance to once again catch bits and pieces of conversations that I have no business listening to. But how can it be helped when people insist on talking in public?

40ish man talking to a doctor: "It would probably be easier if I told you what I wasn't taking." 

One guy to another, 1st Avenue: "... so I was waiting for my rectal..."

Sweating, pregnant woman in Central Park talking on her iPhone: "I'm ready to burst out of my sports bra."

Another young woman in Central Park on her iPhone: "Look, I know my periods and I'm not pregnant!"

20-something guy in Carl Schurz on iPhone: "...So I was gonna call Carrie and, like, slam someone against the wall..."

Young woman on iPhone: "He waxes his entire body to be in a video on YouTube?!"

One background actor to another, talking about a project he worked on: "Hitler was non-union!"

Woman on iPhone in Central Park, bragging about walking  to work: ",,, and with global warming, I don't even need to wear a coat!"

Woman on iPhone, talking about her dog: "He sleeps in my bed, and snores and farts all night. So it's a lot like sleeping with Jerry."

One guy to another on East 85th Street off 2nd Avenue: "Alex is the only person I know who can talk about anal sex for three hours without repeating himself."


1 comment:

Gary D said...

I, for one, appreciate your awesome listening capabilities, Kevin!