Friday, July 9, 2021



According to a study at UCLA, many men eat meat to feel manly, and changing that gender stereotype could lead to a reduction in meat consumption.

 The men taking part in the survey replied, "Shit, wouldn't it be easier if those bitches started eating T-bones like us?"

In New York, a massive rainstorm flooded the subway system yesterday.

Riders admitted that it was nice to see the stations clean for a change.





A gallery owner who struck an arrangement to sell Hunter Biden's paintings says the individual pieces of art could go for anywhere from $75,000 to $500,000 each.

When asked why the artwork was so expensive, Biden explained, "Now that I can't cash in on my father's name in Ukraine, I've gotta do it here."



In related news, texts found on Hunter Biden's alleged laptop state his theory to unionize prostitutes for their protection.

"And by prostitutes," he explained, "I mean the adult children of American presidents."

Bill Wiese, who wrote the million-selling book 23 Minutes in Hell after an alleged near-death experience, has published a follow-up, 23 Questions About Hell.

Wiese is currently working on his third book, 23 Ways to Scam A Million Gullible People About Hell.



Speaking to the right-wing WVW Broadcasting Network, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said that Donald Trump will be reinstated as president and many senators will lose their seats on August 13.

Observers believe that Lindell will be committed to a psych ward on August 14.

Dr. Denis Graifer, deputy health minister for the Saratov region, said
Russians should abstain from  sex after receiving the COVID vaccine

Graifer said, "Of course if you're married, you already know the score."




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