Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Looks like Alec had it right after all.
 Just to let you know how toxic Alec Baldwin has become, the only "celebrity" outside of his wife who has publicly come to his defense is his daughter (from a previous marriage) Ireland. She's the one whom he called "a thoughtless little pig" when she was 11 years old. Looks like someone wants to stay in the will!

And if that's not strange enough, please examine the Halloween selfie with her boyfriend, taken a week after the death of  Halyna Hutchins and wounding of Joel Souza. Clearly, the oblivious apple doesn't fall far from the entitled tree.

C'mon, Alec, we know that's you!
Believe it or not, I'm not the kind of guy who likes to pile on when someone is getting kicked around. But there's always an exception, and I can't think of anything else to write about, so let's return to America's least favorite un-sharp shooter.


Alec Baldwin must have finally started listening to his lawyers' advice to SHUT THE FUCK UP!, because his Twitter feed suddenly went quiet. Or, rather, now stated These Tweets are protected. Too bad his cinematographer and director weren't. 

If I saw these two on the subway, I'd get on another car.
An additional warning reads Only approved followers can see @AlecBaldwin’s Tweets. "Approved followers" likely mean those who slavishly worship the hot-tempered B-movie actor/game show host and his equally sociopath wife Hillary/Hilaria. (Didn't it ever occur to her how close to "hilarious" her phony name sounds?).

 Yet as with his nemesis/doppelganger Donald Trump, Baldwin apparently breaks out in hives if he doesn't mouth off for more than 48 hours. So a new message appeared on his Instagram site reading, “Every film/TV set that uses guns, fake or otherwise, should have a police officer on set, hired by the production, to specifically monitor weapons safety.” 

"Thanks for the escort, officers!"
Well, gee whiz, Alec, why didn't your little production company take the lead on that? Because it was easier to hire a semi-amateur at lower cost! Also, it could be that cops have more important things on their plate than to do what your production company is supposed to be in charge of. 

And considering your past interactions with cops in person and online, your "Help me, Mr. Policeman" suggestion is likely to fall on deaf ears if not screaming laughter.

I don't know how this didn't become the most popular
Halloween costume this year.

Baldwin wasn't the only numbskull on the Rust set. Hannah Gutierrez-Reed -- going forward, HGR for simplicity's sake -- initially told investigators that she had locked the guns and ammo in a safe during breaks in filming.  

Now, HGR and her ace lawyers are saying, well, forget about all that safe stuff. The guns, they now admit, were placed inside socks atop a box, which apparently is the number one way to prevent firearms from being misused. And I thought my winter socks were heavy-duty!

If you want to see what third-rate legal "talent" looks like, watch the Today
show interview
with HGR's lawyers
Jason Bowles and Robert Gorence. Over the course of ten minutes -- from claiming that the shooting was deliberate sabotage by crew members who had already quit the movie, to admitting that she couldn't tell a real bullet from a blank -- these two mouthpieces use everything but a steam shovel to bury their client.

Becoming CNN talking heads is not in their future.
These shysters don't even seem aware of the screen dimensions of HDTV. While Lex Luthor-lookalike Bowles does most of the talking with the passion of a passion-fruit, Gorence signals when he wants to jump in by elbowing his partner, and repeats the gesture when he's finished, as if we can't see them in all their moronic glory. 

A lot more, come to think of it.

There's been more finger-pointing going on since the Rust shooting than the opening credits of the old Superman series. But with all eyes looking on them, the authorities in Santa Fe, NM, along with the FBI, will likely proceed very carefully in their investigations. 

Meanwhile,  Alec and Hillary/Hilaria, now househunting in Vermont, will probably continue to be photographed on coffee runs while their kids skip school because, while Daddy can afford at least three homes, he was too cheap to hire someone who knew how to handle firearms correctly. Including himself.


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