Monday, March 28, 2022


The Dolby Theater apparently can't afford security.

If you don't want people to remember a particular joke, don't draw attention to it on a live worldwide TV broadcast.

You'll earn a pass for physical assault at an awards ceremony as long as your movies make money.

It will also earn you a standing ovation minutes after said assault.

White liberal Hollywood is cool with black-on-black crime.

White liberal Hollywood believes "those people" can't control their emotions and, therefore, can't be held to the same standards as, you know, everybody else.

Maybe, just maybe, there's a reason why people are sick of movie stars explaining that the rest of us should be more like them.

The next time a comedian is assaulted by a someone who didn't like a joke, we know who to blame.

Will Smith really is as crazy as you think.

The Academy has finally figured out how to liven up the Oscars.


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